Reversible Crochet Pelerine
A Free Pattern by Megan Mills

Detail of border trim around neckline.
Back view of this garment and folding instructions for pelerines are here.
Hello fellow crafty people :)
I first found a pattern for a knitted pelerine in a book by Elizabeth Zimmermann called Knitting Workshop. It is published by Schoolhouse Press and I wouldn't be without it. I strongly recommend looking at the schematic for the knitted pelerine in EZ's book.
I made one years ago and it gets worn and worn every winter but has never worn out - nor has it worn out its welcome. It is warm, practical and easy to wear.
A little while ago my Mother-in-law asked me to make her one as she would like something to keep her shoulders warm when she is reading in bed. Of course I was happy to do another, but I didn't want to knit one.
Instead I came up with this crocheted version following the shapings and proportions of EZ's pattern. Since it is a very 'square' pattern I wanted a very square stitch - and what is squarer than filet? Except that it is full of holes and not my idea of 'warm' at all!
So I thought to myself that I'll fill the holes with something. But what? I could have crocheted long lengths of chains and woven them through the holes but that sounded a bit boring. Intermesh (also called double filet) seemed like a good solution so I played around a bit to find a pattern I like - and to figure out how it is done - and here is the result. I discovered a bonus with this method is that it is completely reversible - you get two for the price of one!
The pattern is available here.
I hope you enjoy making it... Megan